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Editor's Corner

Thanks to all of you who filled out our reader survey this week. Your input will go a long way toward helping us improve FierceWiFi and serve you better. - Ben

Cincinnati shows Lilly Pad approach to muni-WiFi

Muni-WiFi momentum is gathering speed. The incumbent telcos tried everything they could to stop it: contributing heavily to the campaign coffers of politicians who then tried to pass legislation to block muni-WiFi, stealthily funding various front organizations masquerading as "think tanks" whose "scholars" wrote articles decrying muni-WiFi as socialism, and more. The war is largely over, and now different cities are free to experiment with different approaches to establishing city-wide …


Trend: WiFi use in freight container security

There is a firestorm raging in Washington over the approval by the administration of a deal which would allow Dubai Ports World, a United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based company, to run operations, including security operations, in 21 U.S. ports (some in the press referred to 6 ports to be run by the company, but the deal involves 21 ports on the East Coast and the Gulf Coast). The debate has focused attention on port security and maritime security more generally, and Aliso Viejo, CA-based …


Incumbents slow to warm up to WiMAX

WiMAX may be the flavor of the season, but traditional broadband players and mobile operators will be giving WiMAX a wide berth for a while yet, new research from Capgemini predicts. A number of factors such as cost, speed and the uncertain regulatory environment will serve to hobble WiMAX's progress. The consulting group says that the millions of dollars spent on 3G licenses, and the increased number of base stations needed to run a network, will deter mobile operators from investing in …


, EarthLink team on SF muni-WiFi

This is not a case of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Rather, it is a case of two are better than one. and EarthLink were among the seven companies submitting proposals for the San Francisco muni-WiFi project. Last week the companies said they would team up and offer the city a joint proposal. The joint proposal incorporates elements from the two companies' separate proposals: 's plan to offer free, ad-supported WiFi, combined with an EarthLink-inspired option for …


Gizmo Project's SIPphone raises $6M

Good to see good ideas being funded. SIPphone has secured $6 million in funding to expand its Session-Initiated Protocol (SIP) standard service to non-PC devices such as adapters, routers, WiFi handsets and dual mode mobile phones. SIPphone is the developer of the open-source Gizmo Project, a peer-to-peer VoIP network. The company provides free VoIP Gizmo Project software for Macintosh, Windows and Linux computers, which allow for free calling and IM world-wide using any Internet …


SPOTLIGHT: White space beckons

It is not every day that two liberal organizations support a conservative Republican senator, but it happens. Two weeks ago, the Consumers Union and Free Press in the United States endorsed Sen. George Allen's (R-VA) Wireless Innovation Act of 2006 (WINN Act). The act aims to bring affordable broadband to all Americans by freeing unused spectrum within the broadcast frequency for use by providers of wireless broadband and for other services. The proposed legislation would direct the …


ALSO NOTED: Campus bans WiFi; HP unveils iPAQ hw6900; and much more...

> Grand Rapids, MI, has posted an RFP for city-wide WiFi network. Article

> Citing cancer risks from electromagnetic forces, the president of Thunder Bay's Lakehead University in British Columbia, Canada, has banned WiFi networks on campus. Article

> Hewlett-Packard has unveiled its iPAQ hw6900, which the company …