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   >Overview    >Five Ways You Can Advertise    >Recommended Ad Packages    >Reader Demographics    >Contact Us

Five Ways You Can Advertise


1. Newsletter Sponsorships


    Premier Weekly Sponsorship
Exclusive positioning at top of newsletter
    Special designation as "this week's sponsor"
    Duration: 1 week (1 insertion)
    Cost: $2,000


    Premier Monthly Sponsorship
Exclusive positioning at top of newsletter
    Special designation as "this month's sponsor"
    Duration: 4 weeks (4 insertions)
    Cost: $6,000

    Integrated Weekly Sponsorship
    Position: appears in "top stories" section
    Duration: 1 week (1 insertion)
    Cost: $1,500

    "Also Noted" Weekly Sponsorship
    Position: appears in "Also Noted" section
    Duration: 1 week (1 insertion)
    Cost: $1,500

    "Chutes & Ladders" Quarterly Sponsorship
    Position: appears in "Chutes & Ladders" section every
    other WED
    Duration: 1 quarter (6 insertions)
    Cost: $3,000


    "Deals/VC" Quarterly Sponsorship
    Position: appears in "Deals/VC" section every other WED
    Duration: 1 quarter (6 insertions)
    Cost: $3,000


    Advertorial Reviews
    Position: marked as sponsored content in Monday issues
    Cost: $3,000 per review; $11,000 for a 4-review series



2. Email Blasts

Send a dedicated email promotion to our subscribers.

    Full Email Blast

    Reach: ENTIRE subscriber list
    Cost: $6,000

    US-Only Email Blast
    Reach: US subscribers (34,335)
    Cost: $5,500

    Half-List Blast
    Reach: half the subscriber list (20,080)
    Cost: $4,000



3. Event/Marketplace/Job Listings

Place a classified-style ad that gives you ongoing exposure.


    One Month Listing
Duration: One Month (4 insertions)
    Format: Text-only (300 characters max)
    Cost: $600


    Two Week Listing
Duration: Two Weeks (2 insertions)
    Format: Text-only (300 characters max)
    Cost: $400



4. Webinar Sponsorships

Sponsor a FierceWireless Live! Webinar. Webinars are online seminars that can help you generate leads, educate the marketplace, and build brand awareness.  Learn more


5. Party & Event Sponsorships

Partner with FierceWiFi and use our next party or event to achieve your marketing goals. Contact Will for more information.


Interested in learning more?

Contact Jason for friendly service and helpful tips.

Jason Nelson, VP of Sales & Business Development
(202) 628-8778 x 10
[email protected]


Advertising Contacts:

Jason Nelson, VP of Sales & Business Development
(202) 628-8778 x 10
[email protected]

1. Premier Weekly Sponsorships
Get exclusive exposure at the top of FierceWiFi.
The ad can be a banner, text, or a combo.




2. Email Blasts
Send an email to the entire FierceWiFi subscriber list.



3. Event/Marketplace Listings
Get ongoing exposure in a classified-style ad.

4. Webinar Sponsorships

Take advantage of our turn-key Webinar solution.